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Taipei International Startup Week - Leap Up! Opening Up New Horizons

By Lin Tong-An/TIER
Industrial transformations driven by development of emerging technologies have sparked a wave of startups in metropolitan areas all over the world. Taipei City is a conglomerate of industries, resources, and talent with a vibrant climate of entrepreneurship. Taipei City Government has been organizing “Taipei International Startup Week” since 2016 to assist startup teams in the linkage to international entrepreneurial resources and opening up of new markets. The goal lies in the creation of a sound startup ecosystem to provide the best environment for startups and entrepreneurship in Asia. The 2018 Taipei International Startup Week was held with great fanfare from November 13-18, 2018. This year’s activities were centered around the core theme of “Leap Up! Opening Up New Horizons”. The following five main events formed the backbone of the 2018 International Startup Week: StartUP@Taipei Global Linkage Forum, StartUP@Taipei Demo Day, StartUP@Taipei XR Summit, StartUP@Taipei Pavilion and Pop Up Asia. The goal of these events and activities was to demonstrate the rich innovative potential in diverse areas, catapult local entrepreneurs onto an international stage, and help create new economic models for the future.
作者簡介:Lin Tong-An
Editor of Taipeiecon
資料更新:2019-04-22 20:13