
Smart City

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Showcasing Smart Applications: A New Look for Technology

To help the Taipei City Government run its smart city and the IoT related applications in the experimental field, the Taipei City Government launched the “Taipei Smart City Industrial Field Pilot Program”.After receiving the proposals submitted by private sector, the Taipei Smart City PMO will conduct discussions on the content of proposal based on innovation, feasibility, public welfare, and legality. It will conduct overall assessment for proposals deemed feasible to further confirm situational plan with the applicants. For example, the planning may include the demonstration points in Neihu district such as the smart street light applications, Taipei Railway Station Project, Driverless Bus Experimental Project. It hopes that the proposal, matching system, and system for domain experiment can help the private sector to run through the Proof of Concept (POC) for smart city related applications in the Taipei City so that the concept can serve as a means of following up on the development of operational model and output of international experience paradigm.
作者簡介:Huang Nuan-yun
Editor of Taipeiecon
資料更新:2022-12-19 09:21